Click Start>Run
Type gpedit.msc and click “OK”
The Group Policy Editor will open
找到“计算机配置”里面的“Windows设置”,打开“安全设置” -> “本地策略” -> “安全选项”,在右边查找一项策略:“用户帐户控制: 用于内置管理员账户的管理员批准模式”。启用这个策略。
2. Mac远程windows及windowsserver2012
Enable RDP security layer in Group Policy on the machine:
Verify that the firewall allows remote desktop connections with RDP (Port 3389)
Click Start>Run
Type gpedit.msc and click “OK”
The Group Policy Editor will open
In the left hand side bar, expand Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Remote Desktop Services>Remote Desktop Session Host
Select “Security”
Change “Require use of specific security layer for remote desktop (RDP) connection” to Enabled” and select “RDP” in the Options pane.
Change “Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication” to “Disabled.”
Close Group Policy Editor and reboot the machine for changes to take effect.
Function GetWindowsSN()
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
strValueName = "DigitalProductId"
strComputer = "."
Dim iValues()
Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, iValues
Dim arrDPID
arrDPID = Array()
For i = 52 To 66
ReDim Preserve arrDPID( UBound(arrDPID) + 1 )
arrDPID( UBound(arrDPID) ) = iValues(i)
'<---------------CreateanarraytoholdthevalidcharactersforamicrosoftProductKey-------------------------->DimarrCharsarrChars=Array("B","C","D","F","G","H","J","K","M","P","Q","R","T","V","W","X","Y","2","3","4","6","7","8","9")' <--------------- The clever bit !!! (Decrypt the base24 encoded binary data)-------------------------->
For i = 24 To 0 Step -1
k = 0
For j = 14 To 0 Step -1
k = k * 256 Xor arrDPID(j)
arrDPID(j) = Int(k / 24)
k = k Mod 24
strProductKey = arrChars(k) & strProductKey
Study on relationship between chords, melodies and key the song is in. With the knowledge of harmony you can tell what the pleasing combination of musical sounds is. You will also understand the way in which musical chords are constructed. Harmony is a longitudinal concept.
Ear training makes you able to identify the melodies or notes from the sounds around you. You can sing along with what you hear, or you can even play on instruments to replay the sounds. As well ear training could help you identify the chord and harmony .
The distance between two notes. For example, C to E would be Maj 3rd, and G to D is known as Perfect 5th. interval’s include melodic interval in transverse and harmonic interval in longitudinal.
Songwriting Assignment 1
Title: Best partners
Box 1:
I met you at the dance party last year, when you was singing on the stage, attracting me like a light in the crowd. I didn’t know you, so I wanna make friends with you.
Box 2:
We are best friends now and we perform together at the party tonight. You sing to the accompaniment of my guitar, and we make the perfect match in music. We are best partners on the stage. I want to know you more.
Box 3:
I wanna share a stage with you all the time, and we will make wonderful performances. We will be the best partners, not only on the stages, but in our whole life. I fall in love with you and I wanna be with you forever.